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Intentional Marriage

Falling in love is easy. Staying in love requires a plan. We know that every marriage faces challenges. We also know that it takes work to build a strong marriage.

Intentional Marriage is a quarterly marriage enrichment class from Northside's Care Ministry. Each gathering involves workshop-style discussions, lessons, and takeaways you can apply to your marriage when you leave.


For this session, we are going to look at the natural tendency of every married couple to drift away from God and each other. The big question is, “How do you counteract this drift and together build connection?” At Intentional Marriage, we will be joined by Ken & Christy Smith from Everything Together marriage ministry (learn more). Through practical teaching and discussion, Ken & Christy will help guide your marriage to building deeper connections. 

Intentional Marriage is on Tuesday October 3 at 6:30-8:00pm. The cost is $10 per couple. 

No matter the season you are in, we believe that a better marriage is possible…it just takes a little intentionality.

*** KidCare has been cancelled for this event. 


Lori Fortune
(812) 542-4035


Kidside Auditorium

Date / Time

Registration closed on Tuesday, October 3, 2023

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