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Family Dedication

Family Dedication is a special ceremony where parents and guardians publicly commit to guide their child toward a personal relationship with Jesus. Prior to participating in our Family Dedication ceremony, we require parents to attend Family Dedication Class to learn more about this special experience.

Family Dedication Class will take place at 11:30 am in the West Auditorium and includes a light breakfast. During this class children can be checked into their regular Kidside class.  The Family Dedication Ceremony will take place the following weekend during all weekend services. Families will be able to choose which of the three services they would like participate in for the Ceremony which takes place in the Main Auditorium.


Family Dedication is for parents wanting to present their child before God and His people, asking for grace and wisdom in carrying out their responsibilities. Parents pray their child will trust Jesus Christ as Savior for the forgiveness of sin. Family Dedication is a precursor to baptism.

Family Dedication registration for March has ended. We are sorry to have missed you for the spring. Please consider registering for Family Dedication this fall; September 9 & 10. See the events page.


Rachel Hollensead
(812) 542-4026

  • Sunday, March 19, 2023
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