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Life change happens together, but not just in your group. It also happens when your group moves into action by being the Church. This is where Groups That Serve comes in, because it’s an opportunity to be the Church and cultivate a heart of service in your group. It’s a moment to take your community and impact others in the name of Jesus. The best part is that Groups That Serve is now year-round!

There are thousands of ways your group can serve others. Some of those ways may include financial costs your group can’t support. That’s where Groups That Serve comes in. We want to help fund your group’s serve projects to make a Kingdom impact.

How does my group participate in Groups That Serve?

Step 1: Identify a Need Where You Can Serve Relationally

Look for a person/organization within the sphere of influence of your group members. From there, identify how your group can serve them relationally. If you need help planning your group’s serve project, there is a How To Plan A Serve Project Guide available.

Download the Guide

Step 2: Fill out the Groups That Serve - Request Funds Form

This form will gather the logistics, funds needed, and how your group plans to serve together. Northside’s Outreach team will monitor/approve these requests and follow up with any questions. If needed, they can offer some local outreach partners and/or redirect to our Care Ministry’s benevolence process.

Request Funds

Step 3: Pick Up Your Visa Gift Card

Once approved, the Life Groups Ministry will coordinate a time to pass along a Visa Gift Card.

Step 4: Share Your Story

We want to celebrate what God is doing through your group with you. After completing your serve project, share your story using the link below. If possible, pass along any photos/videos as well.

Share Your Group's Story

Have questions about groups that serve?

Caroline Krouse
Local Outreach Minister
Andy Clark
Life Groups Minister
Maddy Summers
Women's Group Minister
Rick Vieira
Adult Ministries Pastor
Johnna Rich
Groups Administrative Assistant