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Quest 52: March 2

This week’s devotionals are from the “Person of Jesus” series in Mark Moore’s Quest 52. For this series, we are looking to the person of Jesus trying to discover where he came from and what drove him to his destiny of death. This first series is about the BEGINNING of Jesus's life: his birth and the striking events surrounding his arrival. Slow down, read the text, and then let the text read you.

Who is the best leader you’ve ever personally worked with? Why?

What have you learned about servant leadership from secular sources? Are there any principles you would like to share or books you could recommend to your Life Group? 

Think about a time when you practiced servant leadership. What was the result? 

Where do you find it most difficult to serve humbly? Why do you think it’s hard for you to serve those people or in those ways? 

New to Northside and our daily devotionals? We will be following Mark Moore's Quest 52 for our sermon series this year. Learn more at

Topics Jesus Life Purpose
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