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Quest 52: November 30

This week’s devotionals are from the “Passion of Jesus” series in Mark Moore’s Quest 52. This quarter we want to look at the preparation and suffering of Jesus’s sacrifice and the victory in the Resurrection. Slow down, read the text, and then let the text read you.

Have you ever been rejected, betrayed, or hated? What was that like?

What can you do to show love in action to a person who has rejected you?

Are there any specific strategies that Jesus used at his trial that you could offer as counsel to a friend who has been fired, divorced, sued, or cheated in business? 

How can the pain we endure increase the faith, hope, and love of others?

New to Northside and our daily devotionals? We will be following Mark Moore's Quest 52 for our sermon series this year. Learn more at

Topics Jesus Endurance
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